WHM Spells – VFX Replacements

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WHM Spells – VFX Replacements

Replaces the following WHM Spell VFXs with my own edited ones: Regen, Aero I-II, Stone II-IV, Holy, Glare, and Afflatus Misery!

Got tired of looking at the same VFXs for white mages so, I learned how to use Dalamud-VFXEditor, authored by 0ceal0t, and figured out how to make edits and changes to VFXs in-game.

I’ve been using these over the past few weeks and I have had no crashing related to these vfx replacements so hopefully, nobody does as well but, if there is an issue, please let me know and I’ll try to do what I can.

How to install:
1. Download Textools if you haven’t – https://www.ff14mods.com/ffxiv-textools
2. Click Mods -> Import Modpacks -> Select my Mod
3. Profit???

1. Click Mods -> Mod List -> Manage Mod list
2. Find my Mod, select it, and hit delete.
3. Profit???

Change Log
Version 2.0
Made Stone IV’s VFX smaller!
Holy is now less of a flashbang!

Important Notes
I highly advise others to set everyone else’s battle effects to limited if you don’t already do so! To do so, go to ‘Character Configuration’ -> ‘Control Settings’ -> ‘Character’. From here, set ‘Party & Others’ to Limited. Likely wouldn’t be a problem in a 4-man to have everyone’s battle effects fully on, but I couldn’t imagine a 24-48 party with multiple white mages and their stoneIV/Holy being good for you and your eyes nor good for your game’s performance.
Holy’s Clouds are positioned above and you’ll likely be unable to view them unless you move your camera. They’re very pretty so, I don’t mind moving my camera. If this is an issue, please download the version with no clouds.

If you chose to install the VFXs for the spells, Stone III and Afflatus Misery, remember to install the following TWO files for them:

Afflatus Misery
Aff. Misery_VFXReplacer.ttmp2
Aff. MiseryShoot_VFXReplacer.ttmp2

Stone III

I tried Gposing with Glare – the crystals did NOT show up for me, unfortunately.

Credits: tarjik019
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Useful Information: How to Install FFXIV Mods | FFXIV TexTools

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