Warg’s Preset

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Warg’s Preset

Why I did this preset?
I decided to create this preset after looked for one which I liked. I tested many, some very good, but always I missing something.
So, I did start to try enable/disable shaders to know what each one do and move config sliders to see the changes. I did read about shaders to try to understand a bit better.
My goal was try to find a better bright/contrast/color ingame, because (for me) ESO have washed colors and poor contrast if you follow gamma setting instructions.
But if you low gamma to zero, the colors become better, but many areas become too dark, even black (which is not cool for me, I like dark things when has to be dark and black when has to be black)

And, reshade have some things I love to take photos ingame like DoF, GodRay and some different blooms (which I enable/disable depending hour ingame, place and what I want for ambience composition)

I believe many of you, FF’s players, when looking for a preset are already using the gshade. I did test it and is much more easy and friendly to install than reshade itself. So, I strongly recommend (if you are not used with reshade) install first the gshade and them copy my preset files to correct folders

Is it 100% finished?
I dont know if I will stop moving sliders and try new configs and new shaders (when reshade bring new ones), but I’m very happy with current config.

Who is it for?
ESO Players which see the photos and like it.
But this preset was made to my own taste, so it will change when I believe I have to. Taste is personal.

Why did I upload this preset?
I decided to share this preset because some people in groups (more than one), which I’m a member did like the photos in posted and asked me a few times about this preset. So, is better concentrate the file in one place and share the link than upload the file/update in each group
I will try to keep its up to date with the last reshade version.

PS: When open Reshade panel (Home is default – changed mine to Ctrl+F2) you will see a few shaders disabled on top. Each shader with a keybind its used by me to take photos ingame. This shaders are good for better photos in somekinds of ambients or final result desired for me.
So, you can enable or disable at your will, but only the default’s preset enabled are good for normal gameplay with a beautiful visual.
Any doubts you can ask in comments and I will answer which I know 😀

I believe many of you, FF’s players, when looking for a preset are already using the gshade. I did test it and is much more easy and friendly to install than reshade itself. So, I strongly recommend (if you are not used with reshade) install first the gshade and then copy my preset files to correct folders

Credits: Warg or Waarg
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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