Vanilla Mount Variations
A bunch of variations for mounts from assets already included in the game, all set up and packed together.
The intent of this pack is to provide alternatives to mounts with SE Vanilla assets and based on shared skeletons, as well as parting stuff out.
This includes SE Models and materials as Mare seemed to not like direct asset swap, but not textures. This is to allow upscales and other texture mods to work.
Things this will NOT do:
Allow you to overwrite other mounts with skins already available on a mount. (eg. the Zu and the Bennu[cash shop variant]), or twintania mount on the wyvern. If a mount variation is added into the game from player acquirable source, I will remove it.
This pack includes:
Fylgja- base dragons, three undead dragon variants, both mist/ultima thule dragon variants, Vidofnir, and the Mecha Hybrid Dragon.
Additional options are included being able to swap the various base dragon skins on the Hybrid dragon, as well as eye choices for all except the ultima thule variants.
Griffin- base Griffins, as well as two fancy Variants.
Disembodied Head- Base variant and 3 Fancy ones.
Ahriman- Base Variants
Zu- Base Variants
Wyvern- base variants, as well as the Lord of the Wyverns
Gobwalker- red
Goobbue- base variants as well as the fossilized variants.
To do:
Add more mounts to covered list.
(probably) move the mount point for models with different geometry to prevent clipping and floating, as well as figure out how to add in missing pieces/fix animations for specific ones where you lose something like a saddle from a model swap.
(maybe)Unique skins/setups for some pieces.
(maybe)UI Icons for swapped mounts.