THO Paglth’an Healing and Casting Set Refit
Refit of the Paglth’an Healing & Casting Chestwrap, Breeches, and Sandals to the THO Body from the ShB dungeon “Paglth’an”.
Download and extract mod .ttmp files anywhere you prefer
Open Textools (Or download Textools if you haven’t) – https://www.ff14mods.com/ffxiv-textools
Click “Mods” on the upper left-hand corner and then, “Import Modpack”
Browse for my mod wherever you decided to save it
Always Run “Check for Problems” under “Help”.
Profit ??
Cleaned the breeches model up a bit. Simply install over the original mod.
Important Note
I will likely release an option to wear the actual chestwrap and not just the bottom portion. Sleeve was giving me trouble and as much as I would have liked to have just deleted it and kept the chestwrap, I would rather keep working on it to make sure it looks nice.