THO Hrothgar Ravager’s Cuirass and Warboots
I’ve been using this WAR glam since ShB so, I’ve been really looking forward to trying my hand at finally getting this refitted to a hroth body mod. I’ve looked around and didn’t see anyone do this yet so, I tried my best to refit the Ravager’s Cuirass to the THO body.
I’m not that experienced with 3ds max so, if you spot something wrong that hasn’t been mentioned in the Warning section, please let me know right away so I can try my best to fix it.
Thinking about getting it working with the sheath variant so I’ll likely upload it at a later date. Atm, I’m using the Hroth Subligar and fits perfectly into the glam.
Download and extract mod .ttmp files anywhere you prefer
Open Textools (Or download Textools if you haven’t) – https://www.ff14mods.com/ffxiv-textools
Click “Mods” on the upper left-hand corner and then, “Import Modpack”
Browse for my mod wherever you decided to save it
Always Run “Check for Problems” under “Help”.
Profit ??
I did a few tests with warrior animations and the cuirass looked fine; however, I did not test it with every war specific animation as well as other emotes, so clipping is a possibility.
One noticeable clipping occurs in warrior’s battle stance (fur on the shoulder). Apparently, this also occurs with the other unmodded/vanilla races as well (I used CMtool to check this)