THO Hrothgar Forgesoph Set Refit
This one gave me a few gray hairs. I do adore the BSM crafting set though so, I tried my best!
There are 2 files, one where I’ve edited the weights of the apron to give it a more natural fall (THO legs will clip a bit when running/sprinting) and one with default weights applied (no leg clipping but apron will stick out a bit- see images for visual sample).
Only install one file. However, if you install one and don’t like it and want to try the other, simply install
it over the old one (or uninstall the mod then install the new one if you want to be on the safe side).
Download and extract mod .ttmp files anywhere you prefer
Open Textools (Or download Textools if you haven’t) – https://www.ff14mods.com/ffxiv-textools
Click “Mods” on the upper left-hand corner and then, “Import Modpack”
Browse for my mod wherever you decided to save it
Always Run “Check for Problems” under “Help”.
Profit ??
Important Note
As always, let me know if there’s any major issues!