The Hrothgar Overhaul – Bodybuilder
A race overhaul mod for replacing Hrothgar bodies to be bigger and beefier, alongside 4K new textures, details, veins, and digitigrade legs and paws.
• This is the BODYBUILDER version of my Hrothgar Overhaul. The MUSCLEGUT version is on its way!
• There are three versions for this mod: SFW, Human Penis, and Canine Penis
• 4K HD textures (Diffuse, Normals, and all 5 Hrothgar Patterns)
• Big and muscular body mesh
• Digitigrade legs and paw beans
• Applied physics to pecs, balls, sheath, penis, and buttcheeks
• Moved the tail to tailbone position
• Added anus to texture
• Replaces Smallclothes and Emperor’s New Breeches
v1. SFW: Contains the mod with NO genitals (Smallclothes and Emperor’s New Breeches)
v2. Sheath and Human: Contains the mod with sheath (Smallclothes) and human shaped penis (Emperor’s New Breeches)
v3. Sheath and Canine: Contains the mod with sheath (Smallclothes) and canine shaped penis (Emperor’s New Breeches)
1. If you already have a body mod, this will overwrite the mesh and textures of what you had beforehand. The textures do not line up for the normal plantigrade legs.
2. Use Textools 2 to install ONE of the mods. If you install all three, you can always overwrite / disable and enable them if you ever change your mind to use a different version as you please.
3. In game, remove clothing to see the sheath, or wear Emperor’s New Breeches for the erect human/canine penis.
4. Have fun, and please tag me @Hrothdaddio or use #HrothgarOverhaul hashtag if you want to share it with me on Twitter, I’d love to see your beefy handsome Hrothgars in action! ?