Stamp’s Enhanced Gameplay – Reshade Preset
Light Reshade preset for gameplay use. Focused on simply enhancing the game’s original visuals without heavy alterations.
Contrast adjustment, subtle Color Correction and Sharpening.
If you have an older version, delete the Stamp’s Enhanced Gameplay” folder before updating and installing the new one.
This preset requires you to have Reshade: http://reshade.me/
I’m assuming you already have Reshade installed. If you haven’t yet make sure to select the SweetFX and qUINT shader packs during the installation, then you can skip any further steps after number 1:
1.Download my preset file and extract the .zip file into your Reshade presets folder. So it should look like this: “Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY XIV Online\game\reshade-presets\Stamp’s Enhanced Gameplay\”. Inside the “Stamp’s Enhanced Gameplay” folder is the profile file (Stamp’s Enhanced Gameplay.ini).
2.You are going to need to have some shaders that come with Reshade. The “SweetFX” and “qUINT” shader packs. If you don’t have them yet here’s how to get them:
3.Download the Reshade Setup installer, even if you already have it installed. It doesn’t matter the version.
4.Run the Setup. Select the ffxiv_dx11.exe as normal. Click Next.
5.Select DirectX 10/11/12. As usual. Click Next.
6.Select the “Modify” option now. Click next.
7.On the “Select Preset to Install” Screen, browse to and select my preset “Stamp’s Enhanced Gameplay (Quality).ini” (or the Performance version, it doesn’t matter). Again, they should be in your “\FINAL FANTASY XIV Online\game\reshade-presets\Stamp’s Enhanced Gameplay\” folder. Click Next.
8.The two shader packs should already be selected (SweetFX and qUINT). Click Next.
9.Wait for it to finish installing the shaders and you’re done! Click Finish.
In the game, on the Reshade interface, select the preset (Stamp’s Enhanced Gameplay) and you’re good to go. Have fun!!