Rough Scars – 6 Face Paints

FFXIV Mods |

Rough Scars – 6 Face Paints

These were done first so they come out first, I guess
All the scars are in the same position as my Simple Scars pack, but are much rougher in shape.
Maybe your WoL got clawed up by something?

Edits for personal use and private sharing are always fine
If you want to release an edit of my mod, contact me first
Do not repost my mods or distribute them unedited
Never use my mods in paid commissions, Patreon (etc.) paywall/locked mods or anything like that
Do not claim my work as yours, trace it, whatever

Included are .ttmp2 files for each paint style that will let you easily install them on some face paints I selected that I thought suited.
(7, 13, 16, 18 and 20)
But if you’d like to install any of the paints on a different default paint, I’ve included raw files you can easily use for that:
Open up TexTools!
ITEM LIST > By Category > Character > Face Paint
Under the ‘Texture Map’ list, find the one you’d like to replace (titled like ‘_decal_x’) and import the .dds or the .png provided in the .zip folder

REPLACES → Face Paint 7/13/16/18/20
RAW FILES → .png & .dds

1.0, 11/29/2020
› Initial release

Credits: beaudelaire
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Useful Information: How to Install FFXIV Mods | FFXIV TexTools

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