REALXIV Reshade Preset v1.6
REALXIV will drastically change the way you see your game and enhance your viewing experience like no other.
Using a plethora of shaders and particularly RT shaders to accomplish what I wanted, this is a very unfriendly preset for lower to mid range hardware, and is more for screenshots and cutscenes more than anything. Knowing this, I have added a more performance friendly gameplay preset that maintains the basic look of the main course, along with any user being free to enable or disable what they please.
For reference, I’m on a 3080 with max game settings on an ultrawide, and lock the main preset to an unstable 30fps. I lock the gameplay preset to 60 with around 20% gpu to spare.
There are two main options available:
The Pascal version
The NiceGuy version
The Pascal version requires Pascal’s shaders, which are not available for free.
The NiceGuy version uses NiceGuy Lighting and other free raytracing alternatives.
I have tried my best to keep as much parity as possible between both of these versions so no user is discouraged about being unable to obtain any shader, and I am equally proud of the work I’ve done for both.
– Install Reshade 6.1.1 or newer with full addon support and all the shaders that come with it if you have not done so already.
– Download the required shaders: –> Glamarye Fast Effect –> MC_SSAO and MC_TONEMAP –> qUINT_motionvectors –> ( if you care about shaders interacting with your ui ) KeepUI and Gshade.fxh –> and lastly YASSGI and its required files. ( ONLY REQUIRED FOR THE PASCAL PRESET ) –> MartysMods’ Immerse Ultimate and GI Beta ver. 0.36.1 It’s quite a bit to download, but it’s definitely worth it !
– Download REALXIV and/or REALXIV GAMEPLAY, unpack the ini and place in your game directory.
– Launch FFXIV and enjoy !
— Small Disclaimer —
I am not at all familiar with REST so I don’t have any guides to offer, but you can also use that to fix your UI and I hear it works a lot better than keepUI which does have a few issues with transparent materials like smoke and waterfalls.
There is also a transparency problem with AO that’s particularly apparent with some hairstyles that can be somewhat alleviated by going into your depth buffer settings and ticking the second highest draw call option in your resolution, but it’s not perfect.