Nipple Piercings Pack for UHR2
7 variants and 3 colors of various nipple piercings for all 3 main UHR2 body types for Roegadyns and Hrothgars
– Ring large
– Ring medium
– Curved barbell large
– Curved barbell medium
– Barbell
– U
– Angular U
– Steel
– Gold
– Black
Defaults on Chocobo Egg Rings
Can have different styles when equipped on different hands
Note: most gloves will hide the rings, thus the piercings by default, this will have to be fixed for each gloves but can be easily done yourself by following these steps:
1. Find the gloves you want the nipple piercings to show on in TexTools
2. Go to it’s Metadata tab
3. Under VISIBILITY SETTINGS, click Advanced
4. Make sure both HandShowRingL and HandShowRingR are checked
5. Click SAVE