MWGCotah’s No Smudge UI Ultra HD
This is 2 GShade Presets for Final Fantasy 14.
No UI Smudge + DOF Preset with No UI Smudge/blur
Ultra HD, Ultra Vibrant. No to low performance loss. (5%)
This is a GShade Preset for Final Fantasy 14.
to install the mod you will need to have GShade installed. https://gposers.com/gshade/
Move the preset file MWGCotah’s FHDUHD Fast.ini to your final fantasy install folder which should now contain GShade Example : C:\ProgramFiles\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV – A Realm Reborn\game\gshade-presets\Although you may have installed it on a different drive then you main one which windows is installed (C:\)
Here you will see quite a few pre-installed pre-sets all of which are great. create a new folder to keep everything nice & tidy.
and paste the config ‘.ini’ file here.
When running final fantasy use Shift+F2 to bring up GShade at any time. (I especially like to play with settings during cutscenes to see what everything has to offer.)
the very top drop down box is where you will be able to select presets by navigating through the Gshade-presets folder. You can turn them on or off at any time.