Replaces the Leonhart Jacket for Midlander-based female characters by combining it with the Miqo’te Hempen Camise. The mod comes as an advanced modpack, featuring options for a regular or sleeveless jacket, and a white or black camise. Uses vanilla assets and therefore is not upscaled or asymmetrical.
Want to hide the necklace? Open the Metadata tab of the Leonhart jacket, scroll to the bottom, and in the “Visible Variant Parts” box, untick the “A” button, then save!
Known Issues:
Wrist gaps with certain short gloves (sleeveless only): This issue is caused by the fact that the jacket normally has long sleeves which hide the wrist section of short gloves. You can turn this off by opening the Metadata tab of the Leonhart Jacket and unticking “BodyHideShortGlove”, but please be aware that this will apply to everyone who wears the Leonhart Jacket, not just female characters.
Skirts and other waistpieces hiding: Another metadata issue, this time caused by the belts/’fluff’ attached to the original jacket. As with the above, this can be ‘fixed’ by unticking “BodyHideWaist” in Advanced Visibility Settings, but this may cause clipping with male characters or Lalafell.