
FFXIV Mods |


This mod adds the sleeves from the Shisui Joi of Casting/Fending/Maiming to the Faire Joi model for female Midlander-based races and female Lalafell, as well as enabling a neckpiece for a little extra flair. I also edited the colourset to make it even more gold, because who doesn’t love gold?

Shared Models:
The Faire Joi shares its model with the Shisui Joi of Striking, Aiming, and Scouting, but the sleeves will *not* appear on these items in-game by default, only on the Faire Joi. If you’d like to enable the sleeves, follow these steps:

In TexTools, navigate to the Shisui Joi of Striking, Aiming, or Scouting, whichever you’d like to edit.
Go to the Metadata tab and scroll to the bottom, to the box saying “Visible Variant Parts”.
Tick the box next to “J”. (If you are editing the Aiming joi, I strongly suggest ticking the box next to “G” as well, or else the left sleeve will appear to float.)
Click the “save” button in the top right.

Credits: Sparrow
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Useful Information: How to Install FFXIV Mods | FFXIV TexTools

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