Echo GShade
The preset is designed to enhance the vanilla visuals, which I really like, and make lighting pop.
It contains:
Subtle bloom
Indirect lighting (very noticeable in Limsa Llominsa, for instance)
Ambient occlusion
Light sharpening
Tonemapping tweaks
with the goal of keeping the game’s basic look while adding some oomph. No blown-out highlights, no crushed blacks, no bloom soup, no over-saturation.
Install GShade according to the directions there https://github.com/Mortalitas/GShade
Drop the Echo folder from here into the “GShade Presets” folder in your Final Fantasy XIV game folder. In my case, since I bought on Steam, it’s at Steam\SteamApps\common\FINAL FANTASY XIV Online\game\gshade-presets
When in-game, open the GShade window (configured to HOME to open/close, and END to toggle effects on and off for me) and choose Echo Vanilla+ preset from the dropdown at the top.
***Screenshot comparisons are taken at max graphics settings, MINUS AO since Echo includes it.
I may include some for-funsies presets I’ve been working on down the road, but this has always been my main gameplay preset.