Defined Body Comparisons
A collection of Body mod comparisons all taken with default settings, and using macros to get as 1:1 for each screenshot as possible.
Each body was taken at the front, and side using macros, at 0/50 and 100% breast slides.
Each body mod used it’s default options.
Any variations that may exist are due to the idle animation, and lighting in the character creator.
All screenshots were taken in the character creator, at 4K.
Missing something important?
Q: Bibo+ Trans not here?
A: Current public release has a very noticeable seam and isn’t up to date with Bibo+.
Q: Male bodies excluded?
A: Realistically imo it’s only The Body, There doesn’t seem to be a need
for a male body comparison. Feel free to request it however if you have
some specific comparisons You’d like!
Q: x Body mod is missing!
A: It might be Gen 1, Which is heavily out dated and should never be used,
Or It’s a minor/lesser known body mod. Request it with a link and I’ll
gladly include it.
Q: Scaleless isn’t here?
A: Technically a texture/skin/scale mod, Not a body mod.
Q: Futa/Dong comparisons?
A: If anyone asks for it I’ll do it.