Carbancle Ears no Tiara (natural ears)
Carbuncle ears natural, no tiara what else there is to say?
All it does is to remove the tiara from the carbuncle ears
How to Install:
1) Download the latest TexTools for FFXIV made by Liinko Download Textools – https://www.ff14mods.com/ffxiv-textools
2) Drag and drop the contents from the TexTools file you just downloaded into the
Final fantasy xiv/game folder
3) open the FFXIV TexTools2 folder and create a new folder called “Saved”
4) Download my mod and put it into the “Saved folder”
5) Start FFXIV TexTools 2.exe
6) After you finished installing the Textool (its Recommended to make a backup) go to
Gear -> Head -> Topaz Carbuncle Ears
7) On your right you see a panel named “Texture” beneath it there is a panel called Normal”
8) You just have to click “Import” and done
Must be different experience for different people I guess, I’ve never ran into that with penumbra