Bonded – Eternity Rings for NPCs
Adds Eternity Rings to some popular NPC’s hairstyles so they will have wedding rings in cutscenes.
Everyone loves their Warrior of Light. We create their stories, from their past experiences to the relationships they have. A lot of players happen to ship their Warrior with one (or multiple!) NPCs featured in the story. Unfortunately, besides context clues, there isn’t really any way to show it off. Well, if you’re shipper trash like me, here’s a mod that shows off your Warrior’s bond!
I wanted a way to reflect my WoL’s relationship with G’raha Tia. Sure, we have context clues, and sure, the player can add an Eternity Ring to said NPCs via Anamnesis, but the rings don’t persist through cutscenes or zone changes, typically. I’ve taken various NPCs (ones popular in WoL/NPC ships) and permanently fixed Eternity Rings to their models. This way, the ring is “baked” into the character, meaning it will show up in all cutscenes and instances, regardless of where you go.
The rings have been attached to their hair, as most of them have custom hairstyles. This means only the NPCs selected will have rings on! No random players* running around with rings. I’ve also chosen to go this way because players might use teeth mods in their game, and this way, the rings don’t take up a material slot. Silver or gold rings available for all NPCs, though certain colors look better with certain outfits.
No random players except Elezen males with Urianger’s hair. His hair is not unique.
Included NPCs:
Uses Azu’s “Eternity Ring No/Small Diamond” smaller diamond option for all variants. Used with permission.