Ascian Wardrobe
(This is my first FFXIV mod, so if there is anything wrong with it or if you encounter any errors, please let me know! I did not encounter any
issues on my end.)
I wasn’t happy with other existing mods for the Ascian Robes which replaced completely unrelated or dorky looking
gear – my intention with this mod was to have the gear the Ascian Robes
replace at least be of Ascian aesthetic, so that you’re still wearing
aesthetically similar gear for those without the mod installed.
The hoodless Ascian Robe replaces:
– Ktiseos Robe of Casting
– Ktiseos Robe of Healing
– Ktiseos Coat of Aiming
– Shadowless Robe of Casting
– Shadowless Robe of Healing
– Shadowless Coat of Aiming
The hooded Ascian Robe replaces:
– Darklight Cowl of Casting
– Darklight Cowl of Healing
NOTE: I’ve only tested this on my male Viera, but I know it will work with
all other midlander based bodies. I’m not sure if it will work with
other bodytypes.
Future plans:
I’m not sure how yet or if I can, but I want to have hoodless Elidibus’ Robe replace the Healing gear
for Ktiseos and Shadowless, and the hooded Elidibus’ Robe replace the
Darklight Cowl of Healing, instead of the default black overlord robes,
since the gear it is replacing is colored more white instead of black.