GS_RPR – Greatswords for Reapers
I wouldn’t have made this without Nécer’s guide to swapping animations and Dekken’s Guide to Idle animations, so thanks to those peeps!
This mod replaces every scythe in the game as of 6.11 with a DRK greatsword equivalent versions (Death Scythe being replaced with Odenta Kai). Some scythes share the same models so unfortunately they will have the exact same greatsword model and texture.
Additionally the mod swaps the RPR idle animations to GNB idle animations and the RPR cpose to DRK male cpose for all races and genders. This is a separate file so if you want to keep the Reaper Idles you can simply not install it, they work fine as well, except maybe for the cpose.
You can also only use the animation swap file which works relatively well with scythes so you can experiment see if you like it.
One considerable downside is that I cannot change the position of the sheathed weapon nor hide it, which results in a VERY awkward sheathed greatsword positioning. I highly recommend hiding your sheathed weapon in your character screen. Sadly this doesn’t help with others weapons, but that’s all I can do for now.
Scythe sets that use the same models and textures:
Sickle of the Heavens, Sickle of the Round, Ultimate Sickle of Heavens –> Claymore of the Round
Deepgold War Scythe, Padjali Scythe, Demon Slicer –> Shadowbringer
Kinna Sickle, Naigama of the Crimson Lotus –> Greatsword of the Crimson Lotus
Empyrean War Talon, Titanbronze Zaghnal –> Titanbronze Guillotine
Scaevan Magitek Scythe, Bismuth War Scythe –> Scaevan Magitek Greatsword
Deepgold Sickle, Manganese War Scythe –> Manganese Greatsword
Fae Sickle, High Durium Sickle –> Fae Greatsword
Crystarium War Scythe, High Durium War Scythe –> Crystarium Greatsword
Imperial Magitek War Scythe, Chondrite Magitek War Scythe –> Imperial Magitek Guillotine
Thanks for checking out the mod, hope you enjoy it.